
India before the world bodybuilder recessed led downlights celebrate 100th birthday

India before the world bodybuilder recessed led downlights celebrate 100th birthday
According to British “Daily Mail” reported on March 18, had won the crown of the world bodybuilder India bodybuilding star Manohar Ash spent in Calcutta before the 100th birthday. Turning to the longevity, Ash said the key is to maintain a pleasant state of mind, relaxed approach to life. It is learned that Ash’s life is quite bumpy, life is not rich, experienced prison, and had a slight stroke recessed led downlights.
1912, Ashton was born in British India Comilla region (now Bangladesh), won the 57th Global bodybuilder title in 1952, and has won a number of Asian bodybuilding competition champion. As the height of 1.5 meters, Ash also known as the “Pocket Hercules”. Prison and a life of poverty he faced numerous difficulties, however, Ash is still by virtue of their own efforts hit a career in a world.
Youth, Ash is very fond of wrestling. In 1942, he participated in the Royal Air Force, and began frantically bodybuilding; to participate in the protests against the colonial few years later, Ash was in jail before being released until after led high bay  India’s independence in 1947.
However, jail does not make Ash thereon depressed, but rather to stimulate his fighting spirit. Ashton said: “It is in prison, I began to seriously strength training, which made preparations for me since winning the world championship in prison, I used to self-training, no equipment, Sometimes, practice 12 hours a recessed led downlights day. ”
In addition, a life of poverty is to Ash bodybuilding the road to add a lot of obstacles. Normally, he and his wife must strive to support four children to school, left his fitness costs very little, Ash had to do part-time to earn recessed led downlights.
At present, the different forms of Ash still engaged in the cause of their love for fitness. Normally, he would help her son to take care of the gym, and also give guidance on the fitness of young people.
In an interview with reporters, said Ash, easy to face the difficulties and maintain a pleasant mood is the trick where his longevity. “I will never allow any tension when they are young, I had to try to earn money, but no matter at what time, I maintain a pleasant mood.”
In addition, the the longevity Ashton healthy habits is the reason why. It is learned that Ash’s daily diet is very simple, recessed led downlights including milk, fruits, vegetables, fish and rice food. In addition, he is neither smoke nor drink.

