
Obama and Cameron super high power led show close

Obama and Cameron super high power led show close
March 13, 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama has invited British Prime Minister David Cameron to watch a basketball game of the NCAA tournament, the two together in the stands eating hot dogs, bites, without regard for their own to eat with.
China news agency, Washington, March 14 (Reporter Wu Qingcai) – U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron on the 14th at the White House once again demonstrated a close personal relationship, both in Afghanistan and other numerous thorny international issues. also acting in unison.
Day, Barack Obama at the White House held for Cameron, a grand welcoming ceremony, the two sides highlighted the traditional friendship of the United States and Britain of “rock” in his speech in a relaxed and humorous language. Subsequently, the two also around the problem of Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and the economic recovery talks and met with the reporters.
Cameron for the heads of government rather than the head of state, the three-day visit by both positioned as the “official visit”, but in order to highlight the “special relationship”, Obama is still a state banquet, paid a state visit to be hospitable to Cameron . Two during the visit, a big show of intimacy, not only co-published a signed article to ride with Obama’s plane Air Force One “, to watch the basketball game, super high power led but also publicly call each other by name.
This “special relationship”led high bay is also reflected in the two high degree of unanimity of opinion on many international issues, especially in the recent tensions on the issue of Afghanistan.
In the joint press conference the same day, the two leaders stressed that the NATO forces in Afghanistan has made substantial progress and believe that 2014 can be completed on schedule for withdrawal from Afghanistan and the transfer of security responsibilities to Afghan forces .
Cameron’s visit to the United States coincided with the tension on the occasion of the US-Arab relations, most recently a U.S. soldier shot and killed 16 Afghan civilians not only lead to tensions, but also shaken by the war of public opinion. Announced the same day a poll showed that 40% of Americans said that both the shootings shake the determination of their war, and another 60% of people said that U.S. troops in Afghanistan should immediately return home.
Barack Obama at a press conference to admit that the war in Afghanistan in the American public support is declining, super high power led because people have felt “tired” after a protracted war. He said that the recent tragic events that U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan still faces an enormous task, but the Afghan withdrawal plan will not make a sudden change.
Cameron also said that the events of recent days show that the Afghan mission is how difficult it is, how high the cost of the war, but Britain will not abandon Afghanistan, super high power led because Afghanistan must never again become the “Al Qaeda” safe “havens . ”
In addition, the two on issues such as Iran, Syria also held similar positions tend to pressure and sanctions through diplomatic means rather than military action.

