
van Gogh draw high power led street lighting

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van Gogh draw high power led street lighting
Vincent Willem van Gogh, the Netherlands Post-Impressionist artist representation.
March 30, 1853 Born in Tianjin the Deer Te, and early to express the grief of the heart, he cut off his ears. July 29, 1890 the troubled years of psychosis committed suicide in Auvers-sur, France. The early years of business, keen on religion, and in 1880 began to study painting. E. Bernard, P. Signac and P. Gauguin and other artists had met in Paris.
Early works by Impressionist and neo-Impressionism, the representative of the “fresh potatoes”, “Seine riverside. Has twice the working class in the cafes and restaurants and other places to exhibit their works. Soon tired of living in Paris, came to Arles in the south of France, began to pursue a more expressive skills; as well as by innovation in the promotion of literary and artistic trend and Japanese painting inspired to boldly explore the style of the freedom to express feelings in order to achieve the lines and colors its own expression and decoration of the screen, meaning. Taiwan’s translation of Van Gogh.
Although his work is difficult to be accepted, but then the art of painting of the 20th century in the West have a profound impact.
French Fauvism, German Expressionism, as well as the early 20th century lyrical abstraction, etc., from his main role in the creative process, freedom to express inner feelings, awareness, and to grasp the form of relatively independent of the value in the oil painting absorb and capture the factors of oriental painting, be inspired, the formation of a different genre of painting.
Van Gogh abandoned all acquired knowledge, ignoring the dogma of academic values, and even forget their reason. In his eyes, only the vitality of the natural landscape, he revel in it, things I forgot. He saw the heavens and the earth as an indivisible whole, with all his heart, embrace everything. Van Gogh late as the painter of a highly personalized and emerge only eight years from the time of his death.
Van Gogh deliberately reproduce true emotions, that is, he wants to express his feelings of things, rather than the visual image he saw.
Met the Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh in Paris, his palette became brighter. He found that his only love, what is the color, brilliant, without harmonious color. Characteristics of the color of his hands, with the colors of Impressionism who is fundamentally different. His use of impressionist techniques, but because his man and nature observation, and thus concluded with an extraordinary personality.
Van Gogh to his work as the works of Impressionist painter, the other, he said: “In order to more effectively express themselves in the use of color is more arbitrary.” In fact, not only color, and even perspective, form and proportion, are shaped, in order to express the agony but between the world of a very real relationship. This distinct characteristic became Impressionist different from the other school of painting exist independently of the fundamental.

