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IPad trademark dispute between Apple and Proview is heating up. Yesterday, Shenzhen Proview sued Apple distributor of infringement in the Shanghai Pudong New District Court hearing, the iPad sale in Shanghai, the two sides have also the statement of grounds.
Trial lasted four hours
The two sides yesterday in Shanghai’s trial lasted four hours, during which several rounds of intense debate, very strong smell of gunpowder, the judge was to remind both sides want to control their emotions.
The plaintiff Proview submitted four groups of 17 evidence aspirations put forward include: Apple to stop sales of products with iPad trademark, demolition store signs, the destruction of relevant publicity materials, published an article in the media to eliminate the impact of compensation for the cost of litigation $ and so on.
Proview link in the proof, they have the iPad trademark in 2000, and after this has been the production of related products.
Apple’s application for termination of the case hearing
The defendant Apple to request the court dismissed the plaintiff’s request to apply for the termination of the case hearing. In iPad mainland China and Trademark the two sides at loggerheads transfer, the accused Apple produce new evidence – Proview chairman Yang Rong Mountain instructions transfer agreement Cheng Pibiao “quasi-word iPad trademark in mainland China.
However, this evidence is not admissible in court yesterday, the court has not pronounced.
Yesterday afternoon, the the Proview representatives lawyer Ma Dongxiao an interview, said, “This is the Apple show in court today, the only new evidence is a copy of the Apple provided no original court court did not identify true false, could not be evaluated. ”
Proview held in Shenzhen last week a news conference, Shenzhen Proview iPad trademark litigation consultant Li Su was once thought that the Shenzhen Proview second instance of winning can be as high as 80-90%.
On the other hand, the phone yesterday, Apple representatives lawyer has been no answer.
Apple’s total distribution if lost or iPad the country under
Prior to the Shenzhen Proview told the court application to stop selling the iPad, in the Shanghai area. Yesterday, the court also Proview apply the statement of reasons statement of the reasons to stop selling the iPad tablet and Apple application shall be terminated in Shanghai.
Proview indicted in Shenzhen and Huizhou are the local dealer, yesterday, the defendant is the sole distributor of the iPad regions throughout the continent – Apple Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai. If it loses, could lead to the iPad across mainland China due to the infringement of the next frame can not be sold. Apple Shanghai company is registered in Pudong, for the Proview select the location of the Pudong court as the Shanghai proceedings.
Yesterday, the two sides defense lawyer said the above cases the focus, the court said, will be fully heard and considered the views of both sides on the basis of a written response.
The Proview Apple iPad trademark dispute Memorabilia
2000 Proview Taipei company registered iPad computers trademark of the variety of electronic products in Europe and the rest of the world.
Proview Technology (Shenzhen) Company has applied for registration of the two iPad trademark in 2001.
£ 35,000 in 2009, Apple iPad overseas trademark. However, Proview Technology, said the iPad mainland China’s trademark rights vested in its the only crown of technology companies.
Apple in Shenzhen in June 2010 to prosecute Proview, asked to confirm the exclusive right for the iPad mainland trademarks.
2011 Proview has sued Apple in Shenzhen, Huizhou two dealers.
Proview and the Apple iPad trademark dispute in February 2011 for the first time in court in Shenzhen, which is the first formal confrontation.
The Proview complaints to the Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau in March 2011, the Apple implementation of a fine. Set by the Beijing Industry and Commerce in June of 240 million yuan price tickets, but the ticket has not yet entered the implementation process.
Trial in December 2011 after three losing Apple first instance, the compensation and trademark claim was rejected. Followed by Apple’s appeal, the case is still pending in the process.

