
South Korea said the mains downlight clearance of nuclear summit will discuss towards the Iranian nuclear issue

South Korea said the  mains downlight clearance of nuclear summit will discuss towards the Iranian nuclear issue
World Wide Web Reporter Zhao Xiaoxia reports, according to the British Reuters news agency reported on March 21, South Korea 21 world leaders next week to participate in the nuclear mains downlight  security summit in Seoul to discuss the ”illegal” nuclear activities in North Korea and Iran. The North Korean side believes that such speech in South Korea is a”provocation” is equivalent to moving towards a “declaration of war”.
According to reports,  led high bay South Korean Foreign Minister Venus shine, told Reuters that then uclear weapons and nuclear proliferation issue is not the formal issues of nuclear safety summit, Iran and North Korea will obviously become the sidelines of the conference to discuss ”major problem”. He said: ”There is no doubt that the international community is serious concern about North Korea and Iran ’illegal’ nuclear activities.”
Reported that the nuclear summit in Seoul, the two-day, in addition to the host country,South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, the six-party talks to participate, there are four heads of state will attend the summit, U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russia President Dmitry Medvedev and Japanese Prime Minister Noda.
Leaders of the major countries will attend the summit in Seoul, including the six-party talksin the country’s head of North Korea’s nuclear problem will be discussed in a number of occasions the bilateral talks of the summit gap, ”Venus shine added, has been mains downlight plannedthis The class talks there are dozens.
However, the Korean Central News Agency reported on 21 May claimed that the SeoulSummit will be the Korean nuclear issue as the issues discussed, and issued a statementagainst North Korea for its nuclear project, the Congress will this practice as a”provocation”. mains downlight Any provocation will be equivalent to a declaration of war to North Korea,the consequences will be to increase barriers to the Korean Peninsula denuclearizationtalks, ”KCNA said.

