
Obama will visit the Korean motorcycle led light Peninsula on the 25th

Obama will visit the Korean motorcycle led light Peninsula on the 25th
Is the first time Mr Obama is also the decade, the U.S. president’s first visit to the demilitarized zone on the Korean motorcycle led light Peninsula
According to Xinhua News Agency, U.S. White House official confirmed on the 20th, the 25th President Barack Obama arrived in South Korea will visit the demilitarized zone on the Korean peninsula. Western media that Obama might be by any of the Peninsula’s first visit to the demilitarized zone to put pressure on the DPRK side.
According to the schedule released by the White House, the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula Obama to Korea, Obama will then meet with the leaders of the nuclear safety summit host, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and other participating countries.
Obama’s aides said the visit to the demilitarized zone during Obama wants to inspect the U.S. military in South Korea forces, expressed “respect” to 28500 USFK and South Korean  led high bay troops.
“The President’s visit to the demilitarized zone, will be grateful to an important opportunity for U.S. soldiers in the Korean Peninsula,” AFP quoted as saying Obama aide Ben Rhodes, this trip will highlight South Korea’s strength and the ROK security commitments. ”
According to the Korean War Armistice Agreement of July 27, 1953, the warring parties in the military demarcation line, the line of actual control of 38 degrees north latitude line near the military demarcation line on the Korean Peninsula, 240 kilometers long from east to west, dividing line between north and south sides 2 kilometers of the motorcycle led light demilitarized zone.
The Associated Press reported that Mr Obama for the first time in 10 years the U.S. president’s first visit to the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula.
The visit to South Korea during the period of February 2002, when U.S. President George W. Bush visited the demilitarized zone.
DPRK-US leaders
Successively visited the demilitarized zone
According to Xinhua power compared to other levels of government and military officials, the President of the United States as head of state to visit the demilitarized zone is rare, and thus the outside world trying to make interpretation.
Agence France-Presse reported that White House officials did not say that Obama whether they intend by this visit to North Korea to release new information, but he will continue to call on the DPRK to comply with its international obligations. Obama aides specifically mentioned Obama to visit from the Cheonan incident bad day. South Korea, “Tian” guard ship in the western waters on March 26, 2010 explosion, and then sank. The ROK survey results identified or North Korea motorcycle led light has been the DPRK firmly denied.
According to the Korean Central News Agency reported earlier this month that North Korean leader jinzhengen recently visited Panmunjom.
Associated Press reviews the DPRK and the U.S. leaders have access to the demilitarized zone to enhance the symbolic significance of this region. Trying to restore the nuclear issue on the dialogue with North Korea Obama could have “ignored” the demilitarized zone stations, but insisted on access, may be regarded as a move of the U.S. show of strength, and help ease China on North Korea is not enough tough “part of the question.

