
50 “Bikini Girls” parade world record where to buy led light

50 "Bikini Girls" parade world record where to buy led light

On a beach in Panama City, USA, 450 ”Bikini Girls” collective procession broke the world record
According to British “Daily Mail” reported on March 7, March 6, 450 of a beautiful womanwearing a bikini on a beach in Florida, led high bay USA, Panama City (Panama) held a massprocession, breaking the bikini parade, “and participate in the largest number of world record.
Guinness World where to buy led light Records adjudicator, Philip Robertson, Philip Robertson, said: ”Thisspectacular scene was by no means common, such a large bikini procession shocking.”
The girls participated in the procession from across the United States, including Maineand Alaska. Carly Quinn (Karly Quinn), the girl from Maine, said: ”This is my life the most exciting day, I could not help but to tears, I am where to buy led light proud.”
It is reported, the municipal government of Panama was originally reluctant to hold ”bikinimarch” worried that this will be transformed into a large-scale beach carnival. Panama City Beach Committee members Ken (Ken Nelson), Nelson said: ”there are many children, this procession is usually difficult to predict the consequences.” But the bikiniparade in peace, so that local officials relieved, and am very proud of where to buy led light.
According to regulations, these “Bikini Girl,” must collectively completed one mile be considered a record. When the last one girl through the finish line, Robertson announced that the event broke the record of Australia 357 ”Bikini Girl” created in October 2011.

