
France approved Iran’s “double-dealing where to buy led grow lights successfully expressed doubts whether the peace talks

France approved Iran's "double-dealing where to buy led grow lights successfully expressed doubts whether the peace talks

World Wide Web reporter, Li reported that the nuclear negotiations between Iran andRussia and the United States, Britain, France and the six countries have beendeadlocked more than a year, March 6, on behalf of the European Union and Iran, the release of an active reconciliation signal, the parties subsequently have torestartnegotiations expressed optimism, but except for France. France, this negotiation is successful or not is still skeptical.
According to the British Reuters news agency reported on March 7, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said in an interview with local television station successfullyexpressed doubts where to buy led grow lights about whether the peace talks, he said: ”I have some doubt, I think thatIran will continue to do the ’double-dealing’ .
Juppe said, ”This is my opinion, we must continue to the reasons for the implementation of more stringent sanctions against Iran. where to buy led grow lights He also believes that the best way is to avoid themilitary option, because the military option will produce unforeseen consequences.
White House spokesman led high bay Jay Carney said on the 7th, the United States will require Iran tofulfill its international obligations to ensure that does not seek to possess nuclear weapons. Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani had warned the Iranian nuclear issue to mediation of the six-party (in Russia and the United States Britain, France and Germany), such aspressure on Iran, negotiations will fail. The United States claimed that if you can not seethe practical action in Iran, the United States will not reduce the pressure on Iran.
According to earlier media reports, where to buy led grow lights the EU Foreign and Security Policy High Representative Catherine Ashton said on behalf of the six countries of the Iranian nuclear issue replies to Iran, it is proposed to restart nuclear talks. The same day, Iran announced that will allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to visit the Parchin military base.U.S. President Barack Obama said that the six countries to restart talks with Iran is to open a ”window of opportunity”. German Foreign Minister Westerwelle welcomed the negotiations. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov also expressed confidenceabout to restart the dialogue.

